Deposit Bonds
Deposit Bonds are a guarantee or bond that substitute for
a cash deposit between signing contracts and settlement
on property. SMP will organize deposit bonds when requested
and can be issued for all or part of the deposit amount
required, which is up to 10% of the purchase price. The
Deposit Bond products available include Standard Guarantee
for settlement terms up to 6 months or Long Term for settlement
terms between 6 and 36 months. Deposit Bonds are a particularly
useful product for ‘off the plan’ purchases
or if you don’t have the cash to pay the deposit
on purchasing a property.
Residex Comparitive Market Analysis (CMA) Reports
The CMA reports are particularly useful for those wanting
to buy property but are also of great use to existing property
owners. Using both statistical projections and actual
past sales data, the CMA reports aim to provide you with
an accurate indication of the current market value of a particular
property. The CMA reports also provide a prediction on the
possible capital growth one can expect on a property in a
particular suburb. Whilst no one can predict this with 100%
accuracy, Residex has a very good track record. It also provides
growth rates and rental yields for a particular local government
area, compared with other local government areas, over a
period of ten years.
This is a service that SMP is pleased to offer its existing
and new clients free of charge. A report of this nature for
an individual to request from Residex would cost $65.00.
The CMA reports reveal what you need to know in order to
assist you to make the most informed financial decisions.